野生動物園大亨 2 馬場游樂園 Wildlife Park 2 Horses 英文正式版(DVD版)
Enjoy all the fantastic aspects of the multi awarded Wildlife Park 2
with a focus on horses and action adventure gameplay. Based on the game
Wildlife Park 2, Horses focuses on friends and fans of horses and their
Besides the farm management, the player also participates in stunning
action adventures where special quests, are waiting to be solved on the
back of your horses!
Based on the acclaimed "Wildlife Park 2" game
Includes 18 new horse breeds
10 new decoration objects
11 different obstacles
8 new service stations
10 new maps
12 new missions including tournaments, action sequences, etc?
野生動物園大亨 2 海洋世界 Wildlife Park 2 Marine World 英文正式版(DVD版)
野生動物園 3 SIM Wildlife Park 3 英文正式版(模擬經營類遊戲軟體)(DVD版)
野生動物園豪華版 Wildlife Zoo Deluxe Edition 英文正式版
勁爆美國棒球 11 Out of the Park Baseball 11 英文正式版
Wildlife Camp In the Heart of Africa 英文正式版( 非洲腹地野生動物園SIM 模擬經營類遊戲軟體)
夢幻海洋公園 Marine Park Empire 繁體中文正式版
侏羅紀公園 Jurassic Park:The Game 繁體/簡體中文版(DVD版)